We want to serve our customers worldwide shipping. Shabeen Skin ships to almost all countries worldwide. All our products have a standard shipping fee. Your order will be shipped from one of our warehouses. Our Products Ship from Toronto, Our current estimated delivery time is around 2-8 days.
To ensure fast order dispatch times, as an order has been placed, we are unable to make changes or cancel your order. If you have made an error in your delivery address, please contact us immediately via email at Any delivery date or time specified by us is a best estimate only and Shabeen Skin will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you through any reasonable or unavoidable delay in delivery. Once shipped, Shabeen Skin does not take responsibility for loss during transit. Once items are marked delivered Shabeen Skin does not claim responsibility for the item unless it comes in with notable damages.
We do not accept returns on all products for any given reason. If items arrive damaged or not as expected our team will investigate the matter and assist you. For further inquiries and to issue a return just contact
If the item ordered is in stock, please allow 2-4 business days to process your order once payment is received and cleared. During high-volume sale periods or during new releases there may be minor delays. The day your order has been sent out for shipping, you will be emailed with a tracking number to follow the placed order. All orders are dispatched on weekdays. There are no orders dispatched on weekends or holidays.